To narrate means to tell or say. Most often, there are four (4) different styles of narrative essays which dominate examination questions. They are:
I. A story beginning
II. A story ending
III. A story to illustrate a proverb or a saying
IV. A story about a memorable event etc.
In most cases candidates are asked to answer questions on narratives with one of the above styles presented in the questions.
A STORY BEGINNING : When candidates are to write a story beginning ‘_______________’’, they are to study the given expression which is usually in quotation marks and present a story relating to it. Candidates should note that if they fail to start the story with that same expression, precious marks will be lost.
So, if a candidate is tasked to write a story beginning with, ‘‘It was day break and Paa Bobo was thinking of how to organise his late wife’s funeral….’’, and he decides to write only about how Paa Bobo’s children were sobbing throughout the funeral it may be wrong. The candidate is expected to focus on Paa Bobo’s arrangement towards the funeral, the challenges or disappointments he met during his organisation, and the success or near failure of the funeral etc.
A STORY ENDING: In some cases, an expression is proposed to be used to end the story. In a case like this, the expression should in a way relateto the story. One has to write a story line which at least can have a natural ending like what has beenquoted in the question. So, if a candidate is asked to write a story ending; ‘’ and I drove off never to return to that house again.’’, the ending has to be realistic or natural. (E.g.) We regretted our actions and I drove off never to return to that house again.
Narratives that are based on proverbs or illustrations can be abstract. Meaning one can take a story from a book or create one to illustrate the proverb or saying. With this style, candidates are not to rush to explain the proverb outright. The explanation of the saying is expected to be told by the storyline or plot.
NB: Note that when the first person singular and plural pronouns form part of the question, candidates are expected to put themselves in the storyline or narrative. It is very usual to use the simple past tense very often in narratives since the accounts relate to past events. E.g. We went, they came, it surprised me etc.
General Guidelines for Story Writing (Narrative Essay)
In conclusion, it is important to emphasize that a narrative essay is one that requires that you relate an event or incident as an eye witness would. It is an art of story telling and for that matter, a wide experience in the reading of short stories, novel etc is required to bring perfection. Story writing can be done well when the writer or candidate bears in mind that
I. The story must be interesting and convincing
II. The reader should be incited to enjoy reading it and be led to believe that what he is reading is true
III. The narrative or story should follow the time and the order in which the events took place. That is, the chronological arrangement of events, or happenings
IV. The presentations of events or style must drag the reader gradually to the climax of the story
V. The story must have real life situations and facts which are stated as they were. This is what we call verisimilitude in literature.
VI. Writing a story requires imagination as the writer should not only cause the reader to hear or see but also to feel with the five senses both in body and mind
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