The Youthful Life of the Leaders of the Three Major Religions in Ghana
OKOMFO ANOKYE - An African Traditional Religious Leader
Okomfo Anokye was one of the greatest priests the Asante Kingdom has ever had.
His real name was Kwame Adjei Frimpong.
Okomfo Anokye was born in Awukugua-Akwapim in the Eastern region. He initially worked as a farmer.
Okomfo Anokye’s parents were Agya Ano and MaameAkobe Manubea,also called Yaa Anubea. They were bothfarmers.
History has it that,
i. Okomfo Anokye was born with some powerful gifts from the gods: totem poles on one hand and a short white animal’s tail (Podua) on the other hand.
ii. He had his training as a traditional priest in Awukugua.
iii. Okomfo Anokye became a good friend of Osei Tutu who later became the first King of the Asante Kingdom.
iv. Okomfo Anokye helped King Osei Tutu I to rule the Asante Kingdom. He did many wonderful things to help this kingdom to become great, powerful and famous.
Some of His Achievements
1. He commanded a golden stool from the sky (The golden stool is called Sika Dwa Kofi) and it is the symbol of the Asante Unity.
2. He made Kumasi the capital of the Asante Land.
3. He was a great medicine man.
4. He planted a sword at Bantama and no one has been able to remove it till today.
5. A hospital was built and named after him( Okomfo AnokyeTeaching Hospital)
Moral Lessons in the Early Lives of the Religious Leaders:
(Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed, Agya Ahor and Okomfo Anokye)
i. Obedience
ii. Humility
ii. Patience
iii. Courage
iv. Hardworking
v. Sacrifice
vi. Piety
vii. Honest
viii. Perseverance
ix. Tolerance
How to Apply the Moral Lessons from the Lives of the Religious Leaders in our Daily Lives
1. Obedience: We must pay attention to our parents and teachers and do what they say.
2. Humility: We should not see ourselves as more important than other people.
3. Courage: We should face challenges or pain without fear.
4. Tolerance: We should respect our friends’ opinions even though we may not agree with them.
5. Hardworking: We must do our work with all seriousness and diligence.
6. Perseverance: We must not easily give up in life; keep doing the right thing till you succeed.
7. Sacrifice: We should try to give up what we have for the sake others.
8. Piety: We must respect God and remain devoted to him.
9. Honesty: We should not deceive our friends, parents andteachers but rather be sincere to them.
1. Study the pictures below and describe each of them.
2. Draw two of them in your exercise book.
Roles and Responsibilities
A. God’s Promises to Humankind
Promises of God refer to the pledges God has made to his people.
God has given us a lot of promises in the scriptures.
If we do the will of God we shall enjoy the all his promises.
Some Promises of God to Humankind
a. In the Holy Bible
i. God shall supply all our needs in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)
ii. God will give us eternal life through his son, Jesus. (John 3:16)
iii. God will take us to heaven. (John 14:1-3)
iv. God will heal our Land. (Deuteronomy 7:14)
v. God will deliver us in the days of trouble. (Psalm 50:15)
b. In the Holy Qurán
i. Call upon me and I shall respond unto you. (Qurán40: 60)
ii. Allah wants all people to treat women as equally as men.
iii. Children who obey and respect their parents will go to paradise.
Iv. Allah will fight our battles for us.
c. In Oral Tradition
i. It’s God who protects the tailless animal.
ii. When you try to cheat the crab God watches your buttocks.
B. God’s Promises to Some People He Called
God calls people who are ready do what he wants them to do (His will).
1. Noah – Genesis 6:9-22
God called Noah and asked him to build an ark for him.
He promised Noah that he would save him from the flood.
2. Abraham – Genesis 12
God called Abraham to come out of his country, his people (relatives) and his father’s house to the land he would show him.
God promised Abraham the following things;
i. He would make him the Father of many Nations.
ii. He would make his name great.
iii. He would give him a son, Isaac.
iv. He would bless him and all those who bless him.