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13 - 07 - 2020 NOTES


Home economics 

Advantages and disadvantages of  the following preservation methods.

Drying (advantages)
- it is a cheap method of preserving food.
- the sun is readily available.

- solar energy is not constant.
- it needs a lot of attention from insects, rodents,and the rain.
- the long duration can bring about discoloration.
- high possibility of contamination.

Smoking (advantages)
- it impacts a nice colour and flavour to the food.
- can remove moisture and oils from food.
- the  heat kills the micro organisms.

- it can become very coated with a lot of chemical from the wood smoke.

- it needs  constant attention other wise food can burn.

- the use of firewood can cause deforestation.

- the smoke can pollute the air.

Advantages of (salting)
- salt is abundant in Ghana.

- it is an easy method.
- it makes liquid too concentrated for the growth of micro organisms.

- the food item can be too salty to be desirable .

Advantages of ( freezing)
- it needs no attention.
- odour and colour can be maintained when properly done.

- high initial cost of freezer.
- electric bills can be high.
- when food is frozen the tissues are weakened making contamination and spoilage easier.

Advantages of ( canning)
- canning and bottling basically go through the same stages.
- canning and bottling can keep food for ages.
- the characteristics can be changed through the addition of chemicals, spices and herbs.
- transportation of the food is made easier.

- the cans can leak and cause food poisoning.
- the bottles can break.
- if air is not exhausted well, micro organisms can grow and spoil the content.

Sub topic: FISH

fish is a food that lives in the Sea,rivers, is also classified into three groups namely:Oily, white, and Shell fish.

1. Oily fish - these types of fishes have their oil distributed throughout the flesh.they are dark in colour.
examples are tuna, salmon, tilapia, mackerel, sardine,and herrings etc.

2. White fish- these type of fish have their oils stored in the liver.they normally have white flesh.examples sole,cod,plaice, whiting, dolphin,bream,grouper etc.

3. Shell fish- these are protected by hard external shell and have their oils stored in the fish are classified into two main types. Namely: crustaceans,and molluses .

i. Crustaceans- they have jointed shells .eg. Crabs, lobsters, prawns, shrimps, crayfish.

ii. Molluses- they have hard outer shell and no legs.
eg. snails, oysters, mussels,clams, scallops, cockles, winkles.

Points to consider when choosing a fish.

1. The tail must be erect .
2. The flesh must be firm and  elastic to touch .
3. The eyes must be be bright full and shiny but    not sunken.
4. The gills must be bright red.
5. Fishes with scales must have their scales sticking firmly to the flesh.
6. There should be  no bad or unpleasant smell in it.

How to store a fish.
1. Keep in a refrigerator wrapped in polythene bag.
2. Sprinkle lemon juice or vinegar on it and store.
3. Steam partly and keep overnight.

How to preserve fish
1. By smoking. eg.herrings
2. By freezing. eg.salmon
3. By salting. eg.tilapia(koobi)
4. By canning .eg.sardine
5. By drying. eg.small herrings.

(home economics)
Note 2

Hygiene and health

Hygiene is the study of the rules and healthy living and the prevention of diseases. A good caterer must be able to keep herself/himself clean as well as his/her environment to ensure clean,safe and germ free meals for his/her consumers. the practice of good personal, kitchen and food hygiene will reduce the risks of food contamination.

Importance of hygiene to the caterer.
1. It promotes self respect.
2. It prevents food contamination.
3. It promotes catering business,as customers will always want to eat from hygienic conditions.

Personal hygiene.
Personal hygiene refers to the way the caterer keeps her body ,as well as her clothing clean and attractive.poor personal hygiene will not make the caterer attractive, and this will prevent customers from eating her food. it can also result in producing bad body odour.

How to keep the body Clean.

1. The body must be washed regularly to get  rid of germs, dirt and sweat.if this is not done ,our bodies will give a bad odour ( bad smell). it is advisable to bath at least twice a day.we must not use clean water,sponge and good toilet soap to bath.

2. The teeth must be cleaned twice a day - early in the morning and before going to bed - and if possible, after every meal. We must also eat a lot of calcium foods to ensure strong teeth.we can use a tooth brush and tooth paste (eg.pepsodent)or a clean chewing stick to clean our teeth.

3. The hair must be kept low and clean always. We should not scratch our hair when cooking, and if possible, cover it to prevent broken hair from falling into our foods.

4. The hands must be washed well with soap and clean water before handling food and anytime after visiting the toilet.

5. The fingernails and toe nails must be cut short in order not to make them breeding places for germs.avoid licking the fingers whilst preparing meals.

6. Cuts and bruises on fingers must be well covered.

7. The armpit must be kept Clean.shave regularly.use a deodorant to prevent bad odour.lime can also be used before taking a bath,in place of a deodorant.

8. Avoid excessive use of cosmetics and bleaching of the body.too much cosmestics can contaminate your food with harmful chemicals.

9. Smoking and spitting must not occur where there is food.

10. Coughing and sneezing must be done in a handkerchief,not over food.( People with cold must not be in contact with food).


An entrepreneur is someone who takes up the responsibility and risk for running a business with the expectation of making a profit and growth.

  An enterprise refers to an economic venture or business activity which makes use of labour, materials, tools, and equipment to deliver saleable products or services for profit as well as growth.

1.Buying and selling of goods.
2.manufactured or producing products for sale.
3.Producing services for sale.

A small -scall enterprise
is described as a bold undertaking of a business activity on a fairly small scale by either one person (sole proprietor) or in
partnership with others who agree to bring their capitals together to start the business.

1.Sold proprietorship.
3.Limited liability companies.

Is also known as one -man business. In one man business enterprise, the owner enjoys all the profits. He also bears all the risks of loss in the business alone.

1. control:the owner has complete control over the business.
2. profit:the owner enjoys the profit alone.
3. simplicity:a sole proprietorship is easy to start and operate.
4. No double taxation:the business is not treated as a separate taxable entity.

 1. risk: the owner is responsible for any losses.
2. limited ownership :a sold proprietorship by definition is limited to one person.
3. limited growth*:the growth and expansion of the business is limited to funds or capital of the owner.
4. lifespand of business:the life of the business ends once the owner dies.

Factors To Be Considered When Setting up a Small Scale Business.
1. Your interest and strength:It is important to have the requisite skills and knowledge before venturing into a business. Also the zeal or interest in going into the business.

2. The Market Niche: This is a survey made to determine whether there will market for the particular product planned.

3. Equipment Needs:Necessary tools /equipment and machine needed for production should be available. Repair and maintenance of tools should also be considered.

4. Supplies And Suppliers:The source of raw materials must be near to the business, so as to reduce the cost of transportation. Means of transporting the raw materials to the factory should be easily accessible.

5. Capital:Refers to the money needed to start a business enterprise.

There are two types of capital :
(a). Start -up capital :Is the type of capital needed to purchase tools, equipment and materials to start the business.
(b). Working capital:Is the type of capital needed to cater for wages and salaries, electricity and water bills, transportation costs etc,in order to keep the business running.

6. Location:There must be market for the goods to be produce so that they can quickly be sold without high transport costs. Land or space must also be acquired at suitable place. It must be convenient for work, as well as suitable to attract customers. The environment must be hygienic and free from too much noise.

7. Personal needs ( Labour):Labour is the use of the mind, hands and skills to produce goods and services.

There is the skilled Labour, eg (mechanical engineer) and unskilled labour, eg. (factory hand) .

The enterprise must near a place where you can easily get sufficient Labour.


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