1. Mention 3 features that differentiate individuals.
2. Identify 4 positive aspects of humankind.
3. Give 3 reasons why we should practice the positive aspects of humankind.
4. Define the following forms of deforming the body:
a. Bleaching
b. Tattooing
c. Tribal marks
5. Give three reasons why we should not deform the body.
6. What is worship?
7. Mention 3 acts of African Traditional worship.
8. State 3 reasons why we should always take part in worship.
9. State three teachings of the traditional religious family.
10. Define festival.
11. Mention 3 religious importance of festivals.
1. Draw a table showing the 5 ccompulsory Islamic daily prayers.
2. Mention any other 2 Islamic prayers apart from the compulsory ones.
3. Mention 3 importance of Islamic prayers.
4. Define commitment and community.
5. Mention 5 examples of community.
6. How can you show commitment to the community? Mention 3 ways.
7. State 3 effects of neglecting the community.
8. Give 3 benefits of showing commitment to the community.
9. Mention 3 abilities that make humankind unique from other creations.
10. Why is Easter celebrated.
11. Identify one importance of celebrating Easter.
1. What is Female Genital Mutilation?
2. Why must Female Genital Mutilation be abolished? Give three reasons.
3. What are religious songs?
4. Give two differences between religious songs and non-religious songs.
5. Mention three ways of showing commitment to the community.
6. Mention three Islamic attributes of God and provide their meanings.
7. State 3 moral lessons from the attributes of God.
8. What is the meaning of Golgotha?
9. What is reward?
10. Mention four deeds that require rewards in the community.
1. Write the creation story of humankind according to Islam.
2. Give 3 moral lessons from the creation stories.
3. Why do Muslims face the east when they pray?
4. Who is the founder of African Traditional Religion?
5. What is meant by deforming or defacing the body?
6. Mention 4 ways of deforming the body.
7. Give 3 effects of Female Genital Mutilation.
8. List the major ethnic groups in Ghana.
9. Mention 3 ways of promoting unity among the ethnic groups in Ghana
10. Define healthy relationship.
1. Mention 3 moral lessons from the life of Jesus Christ. (Read the book of Matthew)2. Identify 4 miracles performed by Jesus Christ. (Read the book of Matthew)
3. Define festival.
4. Why are festivals important in our society. Give 4 reasons.
5. Give 2 reasons why you think giving alms to the poor is necessary.
6. Define libation.
7. Why is it important to pray for other people? Give 1 reason.
8. Mention 3 importance of prayer.
9. I identify the 5 compulsory Islamic daily prayers.
10. Define environment.
11. I identify 4 human activities that destroy the environment.
12. Mention 4 ways of solving the problems stated above.
13. What is Hijjrah?
14. Define punishment and reward.
15. Mention 3 acts that requires reward in the community.
16. Give 3 reasons why people are punished.
17. Explain 3 types of Christian prayer.
18. What is Tayammum?
19. Mention the 5 pillars of Islam.
20. What is obedience?
21. Mention 2 importance of being obedient.
22. Mention 2 things that can happen to a disobedient child.
23. What is cordial relationship?
24. Mention 3 ways of showing cordial relationship.
25. Define responsibility. 26. Give two responsibilities of children at home.
26. Give two responsibilities of children at home.